Award Winning Cases
Digital Campaigns
Our "3-2-Run" strategies amazed audiences and we also won Best Engaging Event (Bronze) in Marketing Events Awards 2020, Excellence in Targeted Event (Gold) and Excellence in Financial Marketing (Bronze) in Marketing Excellence Awards 2020, Best Use of Contest - Gold, Best Use of Smart Data Analytics - Gold, Best Loyalty Programmer (Finance & Insurance) - Bronze in Loyalty and Engagement Award 2020.
Integrated Communication Marketing
After our research, we found that target audience loving experience which provides values to their life. Therefore we launched the power of 5 senses strategies, to communicate with audience with playful tactics to satisfy theirs needs of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste.
We won not only awards but actual performance for properties sales and app downloads! We were on stage of Best Use of Mobile & Apps - Gold in Markies 2021, Excellence in Loyalty Marketing (Bronze) in Marketing Excellence Awards 2020, etc.
Media Planning
Our efforts were recognized by Best Use of SEM Strategy - Bronze in Markies 2021, Best Loyalty Programme (Fashion and Beauty) - Bronze in LEA 2021, Best Sales Lead Generation Solution - Gold, Best Conversion Strategies - Silver and Best SEM/PPC Campaign - Silver in DigiZ Award 2021 by Marketing Magazine.
Social Media Retainers
KREWatch tool has been applied for social media behavior analysis and channels comparison. Client can easily identify netizens' behavior for optimizing any campaigns and media placement strategies. SOGO won numerous awards such as the Best Digital OOH Campaign in DigiZ Awards 2021, Best Use of Influencers - Gold and Best Engagement Campaign (Mass Audience) - Gold in Loyalty and Engagement Award 2020, Loyalty Marketing and Excellence in Retail Marketing in Marketing Excellence Awards 2019 by Marketing Magazine.